Tuesday 23 June 2009

It rains in Iceland - Day 2

Slemish do Iceland Day 2

Hi Ya
Really packed day today. After an early breakfast we drove to our first stop at the Geothermal power station at which we were explained how the station supplies energy to the whole of Iceland, while also ‘enjoying the aroma’ of rotten eggs which seems to be everywhere in Iceland. We then went to a greenhouse where there was some plastic plants and some purple Ice Cream. We all went and played with the different hats and made the sheep eat our purple ice cream. We then made the monkey talk and play on the roundabout. (How weird are we?)

After this, we went to see the Geysirs. When we arrived all we could see was steam. We walked round the area which was filled with lovely bubbly pools and loads and loads of squirty geysers. We saw Strokur erupt, which was definitely a highlight of the trip, and lots of us got great footage. It was fantastic to see the power of the water. After this we had lunch before a good sleep on the bus before our next site.

Our next stop was the Gulfoss waterfall. We were impressed by the velocity at which it moved through the Gorge. We took lots of photos that we will treasure forever along with the memory of the old Icelandic who nearly slipped to his death on the wooden stairway.

On our journey to the viewing gallery (Perlan) in Reykavik we had some very interesting and inspiring facts from the world’s most boring tour guide who pronounces the simple word banana as bananananananananananas. Let this be a lesson learnt ‘no translation tapes’. The last part of the day we spent on this viewing platform and the view over the city was amazing. Overall, today was the best day EVER!

Samuel, Lauren, Gavin and Matthew

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