Saturday 27 June 2009


After 5 days, no darkness, thousands of miles by plane, a few thousand by bus, up and down many hills, mountains and glaciers . . . we arrived home! It was a great trip and we were able to find lots of amazing experiences of the volcanic landscape that is Iceland. Waterfalls, rivers, coasts, glaciers, hot springs, plate margins - we have seen them all! Thanks to all the students and staff who were away with us. It was a great trip and you were all very good and allowed us to have a great time as well!

Who knows where we might go next year!
(new photos from dat 3 and 4 now up!)

Check out the Photos

The main page for the photos for the 4 days we travelled around Iceland can be found here! Check out our photos!
I will try and put up some video in the near future!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Day 3 - There CAN be sun in Iceland!

Day 3

Today we rose at 7.15 to head off with Yohann and our guide to see some mini craters. These were formed by magma bursting through the earth’s crust. We then headed on to our second waterfall of the trip, called Skogar. It was very beautiful, standing 61m high, with a troll-shaped rock at the side. Here we indulged in our light lunch of sandwiches, etc and Caelan and Danny ate some rather sickly massive chocolate bread things! We then headed onto a glacier. Here we learnt about how to deal with and cope with standing on a glacier. After this Yohann (what a legend!) drove us to another waterfall called Solheimajokull. We were able to walk behind this one and to stand under it in some cases – Matthew! We then went into a small but baltic river where some people even cried with the pain of the cold! After this we headed to our new bedding place and started writing this blog!

What have we leant / find out about in Iceland?

Really isolated waterfalls which are a glorious site.

Towns of 5 houses with nothing inbetween!

The tour ladies poor English!

There was 1 waterfall in particular which was beautiful it had a rainbow gleaming out of it and a troll face watching over it and you could go so close you could actually feel the power of the waterfall falling onto you. Matthew came out drenched!

By Rowan, Caelan, Meagan and Kelly then Robert, Vicki, Ross and Catherine

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Photos for Day 2

Here is the link for the pictures for Day 2!

Have a good day!

It rains in Iceland - Day 2

Slemish do Iceland Day 2

Hi Ya
Really packed day today. After an early breakfast we drove to our first stop at the Geothermal power station at which we were explained how the station supplies energy to the whole of Iceland, while also ‘enjoying the aroma’ of rotten eggs which seems to be everywhere in Iceland. We then went to a greenhouse where there was some plastic plants and some purple Ice Cream. We all went and played with the different hats and made the sheep eat our purple ice cream. We then made the monkey talk and play on the roundabout. (How weird are we?)

After this, we went to see the Geysirs. When we arrived all we could see was steam. We walked round the area which was filled with lovely bubbly pools and loads and loads of squirty geysers. We saw Strokur erupt, which was definitely a highlight of the trip, and lots of us got great footage. It was fantastic to see the power of the water. After this we had lunch before a good sleep on the bus before our next site.

Our next stop was the Gulfoss waterfall. We were impressed by the velocity at which it moved through the Gorge. We took lots of photos that we will treasure forever along with the memory of the old Icelandic who nearly slipped to his death on the wooden stairway.

On our journey to the viewing gallery (Perlan) in Reykavik we had some very interesting and inspiring facts from the world’s most boring tour guide who pronounces the simple word banana as bananananananananananas. Let this be a lesson learnt ‘no translation tapes’. The last part of the day we spent on this viewing platform and the view over the city was amazing. Overall, today was the best day EVER!

Samuel, Lauren, Gavin and Matthew

Monday 22 June 2009

Report from Iceland! We Have arrived! o

Iceland Day 1

Arrived at airport at 5.30am and already travel began as Lauren attempted to pack 3 elephants into her 2 cases. Got the plane to Heathrow and there were no tickets registered for the group. After several safety checks we settled into Terminal 1 for a few hours. We boarded the plane at 12.35pm and took the ‘best plane in the world’. The group was dazzled by the touch screen entertainment system. Eventually, after a fidgety flight we landed in Keflavik and we were escorted through ‘nothing followed by nothing’ to the Blue Lagoon.

This was an overheating experience but very relaxing. At 6.30pm we arrived at the Hotel Cabin and the team were astounded by the number of Subways and KFCs in Iceland! It was followed by a light dinner that seemed to be a never ending starter! We took a brisk walk around the city centre and saw about 30 people on the way! We were welcomed by smiling faces and found a shop called 10/11 that was the highlight of the day for many people!

For more photos go to this site

Rebecca, Danny, Bobbie Joe, JD

Saturday 20 June 2009

Just in case . . . . .

I know what it is like in the last moments before a big trip . . . you can't find any of the stuff that you need . . . so let me put a few of the files that need here!

If you need another copy of the contact list for parents - email me before 8pm on Sunday and I will try to get this back to you! Not putting these details on the site for obvious reasons.

Friday 19 June 2009

Some things about the Hotel Cabin

Sometimes I like to go onto TripAdvisor to see the accommodation I am staying at on a holiday and I looked up the Hotel Cabin and while most of the reviews are really good for this place eg

We stayed here for 3 nights as part of a promo. We had a room each which was a blessing as the rooms are tiny and far too small for 2 people, but having our own room made what would have been an unpleasant experience perfectly fine. Staff were efficient and competent, the rooms were clean if spartan, the shower was efficient, and breakfast was OK

However, others comment that the rooms are very small but clean - probably not a good idea to spread out too much when you get there . . . . at least you will be able to get to know the person you are bunking up with! One little reminder - bring a pillow slip AND dont forget your sleeping bag! If you have to hire Linen because you forget your bag - it will cost YOU extra and it can be pretty dear per night! I am bringing a little sleeping bag liner too, I must admit - just for comfort and 2 pillow slips. Some people report that the pillows are a bit on the soft side - so if you like a nice high pillow, then bring another pillow slip and stick a few jumpers into it!

Thursday 18 June 2009

Weather Forecasts!

So, I finally decided it was time to take a look at what the weather could be like in Iceland when we are there. Never good to look at the weather at night - I nearly fell off my seat when I saw that the temps at night go down to -2 degrees in some parts!

It looks like we are going to get a little bit of rain. Take a look at the weather Forecasts below

This one is for Tuesday

This one is for Wednesday

This is a pressure and precipitation map for Tuesday (note the big low pressure) and between 1mm and 5mm of rain!

And finally - the long range forecast says this

Weather forecast for the next several days

On Saturday: Increasing southeast wind, 8 to 13 m/s with rain in the south and west in the afternoon, lighter wind and becoming overcast in the northeast. Temperature 8 to 12 deg. C, but widely 13 to 18 in the north. On Sunday: Southwest 8 to 13 m/s and showers. Lighter northeast and east with rain, but clearing in the afternoon. Temperature 8 to 16 deg. C, warmest in the east. On Monday: Southwest 8 to 13 m/s and showers but fair in the east. Similar temperature. On Tuesday and Wednesday: Variable wind and showers in most parts. Similar temperature. On Thursday: Looks like southerly winds and warm weather.
Forecast made: 18.06.2009 20:59. Valid until: 25.06.2009 12:00.

My advice . . . . . . bring some gloves and a hat and make sure that your coat is waterproof!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

The Dash for Cash!

A lot of people have been talking to me about the currency issues for Iceland and as I mentioned at the meeting - this is a difficult issue and advice changes daily. Many of you have struggled to get icelandic currency and I have listed below on an earlier post one of the places where I know you can get your hands on some Icelandic Krona (as I got some myself!)

Advice on what currency they take in Iceland is varied. Some people have told me that they DO take Dollars and Euro but others have said that this is NOT the case. The one thing I would say on the matter is that while we are in Iceland it is going to be very difficult for us to be able to visit a bank. The banks open at 9.30 and close at 4.30 and we are unlikely to be in Reykavik during these times. Therefore if you bring traveller's cheques or currency that you want to change into Krona - you will need to do this in the airport. Some information sources note that many shops will ONLY take icelandic currency but all agree that plastic is the way to go for Iceland. Though, you might be cutting things fine a bit with that option now!

Wikipedia notes the following

Tourists to Iceland will generally not need to carry much Icelandic currency, as in most cases electronic payment is accepted. Other currencies are very rarely accepted in Iceland. A notable exception is Keflavík International Airport (which has many transfer passengers), where the US dollar, euro and some other currencies are accepted by all merchants. Certain stores in downtown Reykjavík, accept some foreign currencies.

The overall level of technological sophistication is noteworthy in Iceland. Iceland has, for example, among the highest per capita computer usage in the world (far higher than the UK or USA).[citation needed] The saturation of technology in Iceland has had ramifications in their monetary system; a very large percentage of all transactions in Iceland take place through electronic forms of payment, such as debit and credit cards and online bank transfers. It is also worth noting that the value of banknotes is relatively small, e.g. the largest denomination banknote is the 5000 króna note, while a mid-range dinner for two in Iceland, without drinks or dessert, can easily exceed 5000 krónur (ca. EUR 30 in December 2008, EUR 16 in June 2009). This effect may accelerate the Icelandic move towards a semi-cashless economy.


If you want Icelandic money in your pocket as we leave Belfast then please go to the CHANGE Group web site (see the link attached) and then make an appointment to change money with them before we fly!

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Not long now . . . .

We are getting closer all the time. Just a quick reminder that about 6 of you still need to bring me in the Code of Conduct, EHIC cards and medical forms - please try and get these to me by Friday! My bag is already bulging under the weight of paper work I have to bring with us!

Interesting Geog fact: The distance from London to Keflavik airport is 1,354 miles which is 2,180 km. We will be flying for 3 hours and I think that the time is GMT which means that we have to wind out watches back by one hour . . . . showing my age there . . . who winds a watch these days?
Not long now . . . . .

Thursday 11 June 2009

The Final travel documents arrived today!

The excitement is definitely building!   The final travel documents arrived today.   I will make a copy of any of the stuff that you need and also put the details into your final trip pack that I will give to you when you arrive at Belfast airport. 

I have some luggage tags that I will give to you in the airport - make sure you have a pen handy for the airport!   

I was up at the airport today.  We will meet up just in the entrance of the departures hall at the International Airport.  Come into the airport and we will try and meet pretty close to the door.  Please be on time because if we want seats together on the Aer Lingus flight we need to book in pretty early and together!   

There are some roadworks on the way to the airport but these should be ok.  Doubt there will be too many DoE workers up at the time we are going to be there for!  

You can get last minute currency from the Change Group at the airport.  It opens at 0500 in the morning but my advice is to book this in advance and pick it up!  they do look for photo ID as well as hard cash or credit cards  - so do please be ready for this.  It too me about 10 mins to pick my money up today and there was no queue and I had booked ahead!!!  

See you at 0530 on Monday 22nd June! 

Reminder about plugs!

Hi folks,   
This is just a reminder that if you are intending to bring chargers and electrical stuff to Iceland that you are going to need to bring with you a European plug adapter.  
Mr M 

Sunday 7 June 2009

2 ways to see the photos

I have been experimenting with different ways so that we can share the photos that we take when we are in Iceland.  How can we share these with our friends and family back home.  Well, if you
 have a digital camera - please make sure that you bring with you the USB connector and I will get you to download your pictures onto my computer.  (By the way - for chargers etc you will need the same power plugs that they use in Europe!)  

The first way is to check out the page on my web site that I will set up for this - though the connection can be slow and not sure this will work when we are away - or check out this link where I hope to put some of our pics and you will be able to comment on them! 

The problem with money . . .

Hi folks,  I hope that you are all well.  It is now less than 2 weeks before we go to Iceland and the excitement is building.  We had Lauren's parents in with us on Friday and they mentioned there were problems in getting money here for Iceland.   There is a place at the Belfast airport where you can get money changed into Icelandic Krona - it is called the Change group.  Do a google search for Belfast International Airport and you will find a link to their site from the main page.  You can book a time to pick up the currency - before we go away. 

It seems that it can be quite difficult otherwise to get currency -  lot of other places like banks and the post office dont seem to be stocking Icelandic money.  Maybe getting a pre-paid Visa card is a better option!   Apparently it is easy to use plastic for anything in Iceland!